#321: L'ordre dans les rues fait le désordre dans les têtes

The strange thing is that the more one's own space becomes cramped, the more it becomes encumbered with appliances and objects. It seems necessary for this personal place to become denser, materially and emotionally, in order to become the territory in which the familial microcosm is rooted, the most private and dearest place, the one to which one enjoys coming back at night, after work, at back-to-school time after vacation, after a stay in a hospital or the military. When the public sphere no longer offers a place for political investment, men turn into 'hermits' in the grotto of the private living space. They hibernate in their abode, seeking to limit themselves to tiny individual pleasures. Perhaps certain ones are already dreaming in silence about other spaces for action, invention, and movements. On a neighbourhood wall in June 1968, an anonymous hand wrote these words: 'Order in the streets makes for disorder in our minds.' Reciprocally, social despair restores imagination to power within solitary dreams.

[Michel de Certeau, Luce Giard & Pierre Mayol, The Practice of Everyday Life Vol. 2, p. 147-148.]